I am proud of you… and other affirmations
Affirmations are more powerful when you use words congruent with your beliefs.
I remember…
My husband of 20 years had just called from his business trip the day before to announce he wanted a divorce. At 44, I would become a single with two teenagers to raise, with no career, five thousands miles away from my family.
I collected enough pain killers in the medicine cabinet to do some real damage. So here I was, in the bathroom, with all those pills in one hand, filling a cup of water to swallow them and end the pain.
This is when my teary eyes caught my reflection in the mirror and I heard this timid and amused voice saying: “If you swallow them, you wont know the end of the story…”.
I turned around wondering where it came from. There was only this woman I could barely recognize, shaking from the fear, looking totally lost and broken. The shadow of who I once was.
I turned toward the mirror and asked almost angrily: “What do you want?”
The reflection answered. “You will become proud of who you are. You will succeed beyond your expectations. You will move forward and you will be amazed by who you can be.”
This was the beginning of my journey of self discovery and over the years, talking to my reflection or to myself have helped me tremendously.
One of the most powerful exercise is the Mirror Exercise where you use affirmations you tell yourself while looking into your eyes.
Here are the different steps:
🌟 Look at your reflection, deep in your eyes, without judgment
🌟 Talk to yourself out loud
🌟 Start each sentence with your name so you know it’s for you
🌟 Talk to yourself kindly using positive affirmation: I’m proud for your success instead of I’m proud for not failing.
🌟 Say 7 sentences starting with I am proud of you for…,
For exemple, I’m proud of you for your resilience. I’m proud of you for standing up for yourself…
🌟 Say 7 sentences with I forgive you for…,
For exemple, I forgive you for forgetting your boundaries. I forgive you for letting this person hurt you…
🌟 Say 7 sentences with I promise you that…
For exemple, I promise you that you will succeed. I promise you that you will get better…
Why seven? Because after a while you will have to push yourself beyond the obvious ones.
If one of the word is not congruent, change it. Those are your affirmations.
Sometimes, I’m proud of you is a triggering word because it could have been used to shame you in the past, then use another word like I congratulate you.
With “I promise you”, only make promesses you can keep.
Let me know how it works for you.
Video available on Instagram @befabyoulicious.
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