Letting go of Regrets

FabYOUlicious - Fab
4 min readOct 7, 2020


Regrets, remorse and resentments prevent you from enjoying your life… But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Here are the 10 Things People declare regretting the most and what can be done about them:

1. Spend more time with the people you love.
We are all busy and it’s not always easy to take that extra time for those you love. Sometimes something as simple as a phone call, a letter, a message or a coffee together can make a huge difference. If those people are important, show them your love. If you can’t do it in person, use modern technology. A call may not feel as good as a hug, but it sure is better than silence.

2. Worry less.
Worrying is energy spent trying to solve something that most of the time you don’t have any control over. Focus on the things your actions have an effect on. As for the rest, put them aside at least for a little while, until you can do something about them or let them go forever.

3. Forgive others and yourself.
It takes a strong person to apologize and an even stronger person to forgive.
Forgiving is not about accepting being treated in a wrongful way. Some actions are intolerable, and boundaries are essentials. This being said, it’s important to free yourself from the impact of those who hurt you in the past and build a healthy future.

4. Stand up for yourself and what you believe.
Never let someone tell you who you are or how you should behave. Listen to your heart and fight for your individual existence. You matter! Don’t forget it. And if there was a time in your life when you were unable stand up for yourself, forgive yourself for that and focus on what you can do differently today.

5. Live your life.
This is your life and for all you know you may only have this one, so make it the best one possible. Celebrate being alive. Create experiences and memories. Accomplish the things you want to accomplish. Live for yourself and not for what other tell you “should” be or do.

6. Be honest to yourself and others.
Live a life that makes you proud of who you are. You want to be able to watch your reflection in the mirror and like the person you see. Sometimes it might require you taking responsibility for your choices and actions. Be true to yourself. After all, you will have to live with you for the rest of your life. Not worth lying.

7. Be clear about your priorities.
Balance is essential in life. Choose wisely. If family is important for you, spend a little less time at work and a little more with your loved ones. Don’t forget, nobody says on their death bed that they wish they had spent an extra day at work or on social media.

9. Take chances.
Live up to your full potential. Yes, it might involve failing sometimes. So what? People tend to have more regrets about things they never tried that about those they tried and didn’t work. Ask for what you want. Make that leap of faith and who knows, you might actually succeed.

10. Face your fears.
It’s easy to change when you have nothing to lose, but way for difficult when life is comfortable. Change can be scary but staying stuck is painful. Fear is only temporary, but regret lasts forever. Every day try at least one thing that is slightly uncomfortable. You might actually like it.

12. Live more in the moment.
Live every day in a way that would make you proud if it were to be the last one.
Regrets and remorse are in the past. Free yourself of them. They are weights that prevent you from moving forward.
Worries and fears are in the future. They are the wall that you imagine could block you, but you won’t know if this wall really exists unless you reach it.
Every obstacle is a lesson. An opportunity for you to be creative and go around the problem or to grow stronger and tackle it.

Live in the present and make this present the best possible. Lighten your load and get rid of those shadows that are part of your past. Forgive, release, let go and move forward. Be the best version of you day after day. Not the perfect one as perfectionism is not helpful and create self-judgment. Be the best “you” possible, with your doubts, your fears, your imbalance. Cultivate your spirit, your mind and your heart. Stay of honest especially to you. Continue trusting the universe and your ability to move beyond the challenges, toward what you desire. One step at a time.



FabYOUlicious - Fab
FabYOUlicious - Fab

Written by FabYOUlicious - Fab

Emotional Epigenetics | Trauma & Relationship Healing. Intergeneration, Past life, Inner-Child. Rewire your DNA. Manifest Joy & Love | @fabyoulicious.com

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