What if Life was Just a Dream…
As a five-year-old, I had a clear vision of what life was about:
Life is a dream. My own personal dream.
I actually exist somewhere else. Somewhere I unfortunately keep on forgetting about. Somewhere that is my authentic “Real Life”. It’s a place in space and time where everything is possible, happy, flowing, and easy. Somewhere where everything and everyone is in existence with nothing to do or prove.
Every night as I fall asleep in that magnificent place, I enter a strange world called “Life on Earth”. I find my ideal body for what I have to learn, go through many experiences like birth, growing with a family, get married, have kids…and when I’m finally ready to wake up, I leave my body on Earth and return to my magic place. My Real place.
Every night I fall asleep, I dream of a new Life on Earth. Those dreams can be short or very long. They can be happy and positive or stressful and feel like terrible nightmares. I have had many of those “dreams” and I wish I remembered all about them. Unfortunately, they are such a contrast from my happy, flowing reality, that I forget most about them. I’m left with flashes of light, images, and impressions but nothing that feels complete.
Part of those “Dreamlives” is to fall asleep to let my body recover and to reconnect just for an instant to where I come from. Sometimes, I even have flashbacks of past Lives on Earth. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to access the full magnificence of my origin until I’m ready to either by dying or by opening my mind and my soul enough to see it.
You may think it was a strange vision for a five-year-old. But over the years, I got to talk to many people who had a similar vision of “life” when they were kids. I call those persons Wizards or Unicorns. People who had many “Dream Life on Earth “experiences and can remember some of them. Beings who stayed connected to their higher presence even after they become grownups.
Are you one of those Wizards? Do you sense there is something beyond what we call “reality”? Where you one of those kids who was told to be more practical and stop dreaming to the point that you forgot who you really were?
I sure hope so because we need more magical souls like you.
This vision might be true or the product of a wildly imaginative brain of a child, who cares. As I reach my fifties it’s time to reconnect to that possibility and receive the wisdom from my childhood vision.
1- Everything is Possible. Don’t limit yourself with “should” or “could”.
My five-year-old self was way smarter than I was many times as an adult. As a kid, I knew everything was possible. As I grew up the restrictions, doubts and judgments came in the way of that. Reconnect with your childhood vision of what you wanted out of life. Your inner child was probably right to dream big.
2- Do Less. Be More.
I have a higher self who is happy in the flow, and simply is. I can access them by allowing my logical brain to step back and my intuitive brain to open. Meditation, dream, journaling, breathing are all magnificent tools. Don’t punish your kids for daydreaming, they are the smart ones. Stop the action-oriented life and allow the flow of things to inspire you. You might be surprised.
3- Your Inner child and you Higher self are one hundred percent connected. By listening to one, you listen to the other.
Sometimes we ask our Higher self, your Wise self, or our Guardian Angels to inspire us. What if instead you looked back at what you wanted out of life when you were too young to believe the adults who told you it was not possible. Did you want to help others? To fly? To sing? How can you bring your vision to life today as an adult with the limit of the practical? Maybe you can adjust your vision. I wanted to become a doctor to help others. Today, I don’t want to go back to study for years but I get help other in a powerful way that bring more joy than what I could have imagined.
4- Your emotional, imaginative right brain is smarter and can access a lot of inner and external wisdom.
Your logical, analytic left brain is arrogant and wants to be the boss, telling you what to do and how to live your life. Listening to your right brain and working with the action oriented left brain will make transforming dream into reality not only possible but in fact easier.
5- There is more to life than what we are conscious about.
Yes, I am a realist and a dreamer. I have a PhD in science and believe in knowledge AND I accept that there are things that I cannot explain. God, Universe … the name is not important. What is important is to live your life in a way that makes you proud of yourself and is respectful to the experiences of others.
6- You can shift your reality with your thoughts.
Life is like a dream. If you think positive thoughts, cultivate gratitude, and find joy around you, your Life on Earth will feel smoother, and you will receive insights on how to grow from difficult times. Transform any “victim” belief into “life lessons by transforming the statement “Why is this happening TO me” in “How is this happening FOR me”. Curiosity is your ally in this journey.
7- Make your Life the best Life Ever.
Life is short, just a dream. It is your life. It is your dream. Make it as magnificent as you can and know that there are infinite love and possibilities available to you when you connect with your higher self. Don’t spend time in self blame or guilt, there is no time for that. Feelings come and go. Sadness, anger, frustration, happiness, excitement, joy are all feelings. There are no good or bad feelings, just feelings to experience and learn from.
And to my Wizard friends…
Keep dreaming, keep living and don’t forget to enjoy your experience on planet Earth. You never know the learning experience you need to get to finally fully wake up.